What Is Delayed Financing And How Can It Help Cash Buyers Stay Liquid?

What Is Delayed Financing And How Can It Help Cash Buyers Stay Liquid?

Paying for a house with cash has definite perks. Did you know that paying cash rather than getting a mortgage could help you win a bidding war when buying a new home? You may even be able to negotiate a lower price on the home if you’re paying cash. After all, cash in hand is a sure thing, and a mortgage approval isn’t always guaranteed.

The good news is you can get the best of both worlds with delayed financing, a cash-out refinance option for recent cash buyers.

What Is Delayed Financing?

In a delayed financing transaction, you can take cash out on a property immediately in order to cover the purchase price and closing costs for a property you had previously bought with cash. This allows you to have the advantage of being a cash buyer and gives sellers the chance to know the transaction will close, while giving you the ability to get a mortgage shortly thereafter in order to avoid having all your savings tied up in your house.

You can think of delayed financing as a way to give yourself the negotiating advantage that comes along with paying in cash for the home, while still giving yourself the long-term financial flexibility afforded by making monthly payments on a mortgage instead of making yourself “house poor.”

Why Take On Debt When Your House Is Paid Off?

While paying off debt and keeping it off is always appealing, mortgage debt is often considered a good debt because, over time, it can increase your wealth.

Low Interest Rates

Mortgage interest rates continue to be at or near historic lows. Today’s mortgage rates are hovering just over 3% for a payday loans Ripley Ohio 30-year fixed-rate mortgage. By contrast, 20 years ago, the best rate you could have gotten would have been just below 7%.

In this low-interest environment, doesn’t it make sense to take the bulk of your cash back, get a mortgage to buy your house and find another use for your savings? What if you invested that money? What if you had major renovations for your new home in mind?

Build Credit

It may seem counterintuitive, but having no debt isn’t the key to being a good credit risk. In fact, it’s probably going to hurt you when it’s time to get a loan.

By having mortgage debt and repaying it faithfully and punctually, you’re building a favorable credit history. In the future, when you need a loan, it’ll be available to you, and at the lowest possible rates.

It’s important to note that it will help to have a preexisting credit history with credit cards, personal, student or auto loans prior to getting a mortgage. Your home loan is just one more thing that helps add to your history.

Credit Utilization

Having a solid history of repaying debt is only one factor that lenders analyze when evaluating your creditworthiness. Another factor they consider is your credit utilization ratio, which is the amount of credit you’re actually using at any given time. Lenders like to see that you know how to manage your credit.

Liquidity, Or Cash On Hand To Invest

If you’re an investor or you want to become one, you know the value of having cash on hand. While mortgage rates are low, and the stock market and real estate investments are offering the potential for high returns, it makes more sense to get your cash back out of your home and use it to build your investment portfolio.

When considering an investment strategy, make sure to evaluate your risk tolerance and balance your portfolio periodically to mitigate risk.

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